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The Briard Breed

The Briard is a handsome dog, exhibiting a vigorous and alert demeanor. It is powerful without being coarse and strong in bone and muscle, embodying the strength and agility required of a herding dog. Dogs lacking these qualities, even if concealed by the coat, should be penalized.

Size and Proportions

Males stand between 23 and 27 inches at the withers, while females range from 22 to 25.5 inches. Dogs under the minimum height are disqualified. The Briard is not cobby in build, with males having a body length equal to or slightly more than their height, while females may be a bit longer.

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Head and Expression

The Briard's head gives an impression of length and balance—the skull and muzzle form two rectangular shapes, blending together abruptly. The eyes are set well apart, large, well-opened, and calm, in black or black-brown color. Yellow or spotted eyes result in disqualification. The ears should be high-set with thick leather, either natural or cropped upright, adding to the breed's distinctive look.

Body and Topline

The Briard has a strong neck and a slight incline from the prominent withers to the straight back, ending in a slightly sloped croup. The chest is broad and deep, with egg-shaped ribs. The uncut tail forms a crook at the end and is carried low. The tail is disqualified if it is non-existent or cut.

Atlantic States Briard Club
Atlantic States Briard Club

Legs and Feet

The forelegs are strong, straight, and parallel. The hindquarters provide powerful, flexible movement with a 30-degree angled pelvis. Each rear leg must have two dewclaws. Otherwise, it must be disqualified. The feet are strong and slightly oval, with well-arched toes and black nails.

Coat and Color

The outer coat is coarse and hard, falling in long, slightly wavy locks, with a fine, tight undercoat. Permissible colors include black, gray, and tawny, with deeper shades preferred. White coats, spotted coats, or white spots on the chest larger than one inch are disqualifications.

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The Briard is intelligent, easily trained, faithful, gentle, and obedient. It is reserved with strangers but loyal to familiar people. The breed retains its ancestral guarding instincts.

Points for Disqualification

  • Any dog or bitch below the minimum size requirements
  • Eyes that are yellow or spotted
  • Nose that is any color other than black
  • Tail that is either absent or has been docked
  • Fewer than two dewclaws on each rear leg
  • White-colored coat
  • Coat that is spotted
  • A white marking on the chest larger than one inch in diameter
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Get Further Information

We invite you to reach out with any questions or to learn more about the Atlantic States Briard Club. Contact us now with any questions or for further information about the Briard breed.